Erosion Control
Stabilize your hillsides with these plants that help prevent erosion!
Stabilize your hillsides with these plants that help prevent erosion!
Erosion Control (1)
Erosion Control: Slopes and hillsides pose problems of erosion and water runoff. Selecting the right plants that stabilize soil by providing a hardy root system with dense foliage can help mitigate soil movement on slopes. Looking to plants that are native to the area are typically a good place to start. Here in Southern California, options may include Ceanothus, Salvia, Manzanita, Penstemon or a combination of these. Besides native plants, there are other great options that do tremendously well in stabilizing hillsides. These include Myoporum, Rosemary, Lantana, and Acacia . Each slope has it’s own set of unique challenges, so if you need help making the right selections for your landscape project, please contact us !
Erosion Control: Slopes and hillsides pose problems of erosion and water runoff. Selecting the right plants that stabilize soil by providing a hardy root system with dense foliage can help mitigate soil movement on slopes. Looking to plants that are native to the area are typically a good place to start. Here in Southern California, options may include Ceanothus, Salvia, Manzanita, Penstemon or a combination of these. Besides native plants, there are other great options that do tremendously well in stabilizing hillsides. These include Myoporum, Rosemary, Lantana, and Acacia . Each slope has it’s own set of unique challenges, so if you need help making the right selections for your landscape project, please contact us !